Islamic Teachers in Singapore to Attend Latest Course Offered by MUIS

In an effort to improve the capacities of the Islamic teachers who are teaching in Singapore, the Religious Council of Singapore or Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) launched its latest program or course to help this people.

The organization wants to improve the education and research field.

From the shared news report online through The Straight Times, the Religious Council of Singapore or Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) had launched its latest offered course to help the Islamic teachers in improving their skills and having the opportunity to read religious texts through the perspective of the multi-religious society of the country.

Those involved teachers will have the chance to take the course this November and under the supervision of Muis Academy, according to the shared news.

Presently, the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) is offering the Islamic Thought in Contemporary Plural Societies. Because they want to help many Islamic teachers, Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim revealed that they are going to offer the latest course already.

Dr. Ibrahim is the current Muslim Affairs’ Minister-in-charge and made the announcement last Sunday while in Cairo, Egypt. He attended the graduation of the students from Singapore at the Al Azhar University.

According to Dr. Yaacob on his speech as quoted online and released on Monday, he said that, “We want our graduates to be kept abreast of current and emerging socio-religious trends and to equip them with tools to contextualize the knowledge acquired.”

The university is a popular school when it comes to Islamic studies.

The newly graduates can attend the offered programs to become more knowledgeable religious teachers. The course is good for one month and an important procedure before obtaining the Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS) accreditation.

Dr, Ibrahim likewise pointed out that nowadays, many unwanted issues are affecting Singapore such as Islamophobia, extremist ideology and segregationist beliefs and practices. This is the exact reason why there is a need for religious leaders who have strong personalities to oppose these issues courageously.


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